Pricing & Features
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For a single user looking to buy or sell properties on the network
$ 0 00 / mo
  • Evaluate and buy properties
  • ● List properties
  • ● Negotiate terms
  • ● Online close
  • ● Apply for loans
  • ● Find service providers
Basic PLUS
For individuals doing business with their own colleagues, and includes basic processing management
$ 15 0 / mo
  • All Basic PLUS features
  • ● Task to gather data, docs
  • ● Tools to analyze profit strategy
  • ● Track Rehab & Leasing
  • ● Generate Listing Flyer
  • ● Personal Dashboard
For experienced individuals with more transactions and the need for tools to manage property cycles
$ 25 0 / mo
  • All Professional features
  • ● Create custom tasks
  • ● Workflow management tools
  • ● Dashboard to track every property
  • ● Search properties with detailed criteria
  • ● Custom display options
For small businesses or brokers that manage employees and a private network of buyers / sellers
$ 79 0 / mo
  • All Business features
  • ● Invite personal service providers
  • ● Task Editor to customize tasks
  • ● Send & complete tasks through email
  • ● Customize displays & property views
  • ● Operations & required info dashboards

The enterprise edition allows larger fund clients to acquire, improve, manage, and sell properties using sophisticated task, document, and photo management tools, while the operational and financial dashboards show users at a glance the status of their entire portfolio of properties.

These tools dramatically streamline processing and help reduce risk and overhead, thereby improving the bottom line on every transaction.

The enterprise edition can be exactly configured to meet the needs of your business. To learn more about our enterprise edition capabilities and pricing, contact one of our service representatives.

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